Campanelli Quit Smocking


50 seconds to quit smoking
Recognized by Senior Doctors and University Professors
Cured the smoking habit in over 15,000 people.

pareri illustri


Ordinary Professor in Forensics and Director of the Institute of Forensics in the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
Medical-Legal Evaluation performer 18 July 1988
The anti-smoking intervention performed by Vincenzo Campanelli is not considered a medical act. It is not hypnosis. It never produces any negative effect.

Prof. Enrico MALIZIA

World-class Scientist and Toxicologist, in 1986 Director of the Poison control center in the University "La Sapienza" in Rome.
I have studied Vincenzo Campanelli’s intervention at length and I have come to the following conclusions: It is without doubt that he is able to “cure” from the smoking habit. Many of my patients who I had failed to cure, have quit smoking after having gone to Vincenzo Campaneli. I am an orthodox medical doctor, I do not accept practices and modalities which are not traditionally scientific, but I have to admit that the results obtained by Vincenzo Campanelli are exceptional, with his pranotherapeutic sessions which last less than one minute. The results are clamorous. I do not believe though, that one can give a possible scientific explanation to the lawyer’s interventions, because they are far from the normal criteria of medical evaluation.

Professor Dottor Michele PICCIONE

Specialist in Neurology and Psychiatry - Psychoanalyst in the Medical School in the University "La Sapienza" in Rome.
The paths of the mind are at times known and at other times unknown. The phenomena of Vincenzo Campanelli belongs to the latter. The method is simple: for 10 seconds he places his hands on the head and for 40 seconds along the arms. There are no magic formulas nor esoteric phrases pronouned. It cannot be harmful for any reason. No suggestion is involved even if it may be that appointment which justifies a purpose. Certainly many people have benefitted from this method and according to the documents in my possession, these were neither naive nor gullible. No one knows what actually occurs but as always the result is what counts. I leave here for those who have made the request, a description of what has been observed as spectator. Rome, May 28 2002

Dottor Ugo AMATI

Senior Doctor of Psychiatry - Psychoanalyst, Student of Jacques Lacan in the early 1970s.
To express a judgment on Vincenzo Campanelli as a healer from smoking habits is not something easy. My position as a researcher and observer, and not as client of Vincenzo Campanelli allows me to be objective in my judgment. Had I been a patient, my attitude could have been one of indebtedness and irrationality following a performed “miracle” upon the quitting of my smoking habit, as has been with thousands of other subjects who were freed from this physical and psychological slavery. Upon what then is this judgment based? First of all the impressive case record presented by Mr. Campanelli, according to which 70% of the 15,000 subjects treated by him has either definitely or temporarily been freed by cigarette smoking. Naturally, once a positive result has been obtained, the persistence in no longer smoking depends greatly on the client’s will and this must be made clear so as to avoid any misunderstanding. There are furthermore important testimonials by both men and women who refer to have been cured even in the presence of their skeptical attitudes. Magistrates, medical doctors, political men, people from the entertainment world, statesmen such as King Hussein of Jordan and Shimon Peres have turned to Vincenzo Campanelli and were happy to have to admit the great success of winning over their smoking habits, of gaining a stronger will, and the elimination of the dependency. Mr. Campanelli introjects the subject’s problem with such a profoundness as to provoke a counter- movement. This albeit reasonable explanation is nonetheless insufficient, and although we ought to exclude both hypnosis as well as standard medicine, the best way to qualify this intervention consists in stating that it is a gift which this exquisite and sensitive man has.


The letters of thanks from some of the most important patients of Vincenzo Campanelli: Shimon Peres, King Hussein I of Jordan and more, the autographed photos from Vips who have succesfully stopped smoking. Click here for the complete list. Margherita Boniver, Valeria Marini, Shimon Peres.


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